The claim:
Atheism is a religion just like any other.
It is important to note that the claim is not made analogically, atheism is literally a religion.
Purpose and Uses:
This is usually stated by a theist towards an atheist. Commonly as an attempt to point out what the theist feels as hypocrisy. The atheist has been arguing against religion and it's traits while subscribing to a religion themselves.
The theist may also be attempting to put atheism "on the same playing field" as theism. Arguing that they are both irrational beliefs that require faith.
The theist may simply be trying to annoy or goad the atheist.
As well as many other possibilities...
Ultimately the term religion is very malleable. It can be molded to fit belief systems that do not believe in a deity, such as many sects of Buddhism. But largely refers to belief in deities or the supernatural.
The theist may label atheism a religion and the atheist may disagree with him. But what it really comes down to is your own personal interpretation of what a religion actually is.
When the objective nature of definitions break down like in the case of "religion". We can draw no definite conclusions from semantic arguments involving the term.
Many atheists specifically define their beliefs as lack of a religion.
Keeping that in mind, when a theist tries to convince an atheist that atheism is a religion it appears non-sensical. A lack of something is not another version of that something.
Many amusing quotes arise from that situation:
"What hair color is bald?"
"Atheism is as much a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby."
"Joe had two apples. John has two oranges. Jeb has no fruits. You cannot say that Jeb has fruits of a different kind. That his 'no fruits' are some how fruits."
Would someone attempt to label theism it's self as a religion? Unlikely as theism is simply a category. Just as atheism is more of a category or "trait" of other beliefs. Atheistic Buddhism, Atheistic Hinduism and Secular Humanism as well as many other belief systems for example.
Someone may be an atheist with no other articulated beliefs. But I put forth the idea that they still have a personal unlabeled and unique system of beliefs of which atheism is just a trait. Two Atheists can have vastly different world views from each other.
Being an atheist does not necessitate acceptance of evolution or being anti-religion for example.
There is no over arching atheist philosophy or ideology that all atheists share inherently from their atheism. Just the simple uniting lack of belief in deities.
Bear in mind that atheists don't consider atheism a religion and that atheism contains none of the common signs of religion. (deities, the supernatural, scripture, rituals or even any ideology or philosophy) It seems unlikely someone would attempt to label atheism as a religion.
I find that it is a bit disingenuous (if not propagandistic) of the theist to put forth the idea that atheism is a religion. It does not appear to be a genuine opinion. But rather simply a tool in a game of semantics meant to be used against the atheist.
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